WHY WE GIVE The work of the Lord requires the talents and resources of His people. Each year, Crossroads develops a budget which supports its mission and ministries. This work can only be accomplished through the tithes and offerings of the congregation. In addition to providing the financial needs of the church, giving is a vital part of each believer’s spiritual development and maturity. Giving requires two things of each of us: Faith and Faithfulness.
FAITH Giving is an expression of our faith that affirms God as our provider and His ability to supply all that we need. We trust God by giving in faith. Our Lord promises to give every obedient Christian an overflowing, joyous life regardless of his financial position. Jesus told His followers, “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)
FAITHFULNESS Faithful giving is not always easy and can come with everyday challenges (growing family needs, fixed income for retirees, loss of a job, an unexpected major expense, saving for retirement, etc.). At Crossroads, we don't tell you HOW much to give, we just ask that you give and give consistently.
The DIFFERENCE between TITHES AND OFFERINGS Your tithe represents the basis of Christian stewardship in response to honoring what God expects from you as laid out in Scripture. Offerings are gifts made above and beyond the scriptural tithe. Your tithe is used to support the General Budget of the church while Offerings are used to support specific areas for “designated” uses. When you Give, make sure to choose the fund you'd like your gift to apply to.